In order to provide a professional service, we have set up a few guidelines for users of our service. Some of these guidelines may seem strict, but they ensure a safe, functional, and trusted environment for all our customers to publish their information on the Web.
Many of our competitors do not require their customers to comply with these guidelines. If any of our potential customers are unwilling or unable to comply with these guidelines, we respectfully invite them to visit one of our competitors.
It is an offence under UK law to transmit, receive or store certain types of files.
Customers may not use our services to engage in activities, or store, transfer or receive material of an indecent, offensive or otherwise illegal nature. Any such activities may result in prosecution by the UK authorities under the relevant Criminal Acts including but not limited to the Computer Misuse Act 1990, the Protection of Children Act 1978, the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the Prevention of Harassment Act 1997.
It is also a criminal offence under UK law to knowingly infringe intellectual property rights, such as copyright, patents, database rights and registered trade marks. Customers are reminded that sharing copyright material through the use of peer to peer software may consequently constitute a criminal offence if done without permission of the right owner in question. Mediasecure will co-operate with any agency or rights holder wishing to assert their rights in these matters and Mediasecure reserve the right to withdraw service under such circumstances.
The Data Protection Act 1998 imposes numerous duties on any organisation that processes personal data relating to third parties. Failure to comply with many of these duties constitutes a criminal offence. Customers who are not merely processing personal data for domestic (including recreational) reasons are reminded of their likely duty to register with the Information Commissioner.
Under the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, Mediasecure is in general not liable to any criminal or pecuniary penalty for any unlawful acts carried out using our service unless we have actual knowledge of those unlawful acts. Accordingly, if we become aware of credible evidence that a customer has carried out any unlawful acts we will take preventative measures to bring those acts to an end.
The Internet is global in reach. Consequently it is possible for anyone using the internet to break the laws of foreign countries. Customers are therefore advised to take all reasonable steps to avoid breaching relevant foreign laws.
The customer will be responsible for the content on their server, including obtaining the legal permission for any works they include and ensuring that the content on the server does not violate UK law. Mediasecure reserve the right, without notice or explanation, to remove from the network a server which does not comply with this AUP.
The following list provides a number of general prohibited uses of the Services and/or Third Party Services that are violations of this AUP. Please note that the following list does not represent a comprehensive or complete list of all prohibited uses.
A Subscriber hosting websites or services on Subscriber's server supporting spammers or resulting in any of MEDIASECURE IP Addresses to be listed in any of the various Spam Databases or black hole lists will have its service immediately TERMINATED without any warning.
Mediasecure reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. We enforce this policy to ensure a professional environments for the users of our network.